June 2024
Daily exercise is the wonder drug we’ve all been looking for
Wouldn’t it be great if one pill could give you denser bones, stronger muscles, better balance, more energy, and less arthritic joint pain? What if that same pill could also improve your heart and lung function, combat chronic illnesses, elevate your mood, promote better sleep, and increase your chances of living longer? If one pill did all those things, we bet most people would want a prescription.
Obviously, no such wonder drug exists. But there is one remedy that can give you all of those health benefits: daily exercise.
Trust us, we know the word “exercise” can conjure the fear of expensive fitness equipment, a gym commitment, or an Olympic-sized effort. But you don’t need any of that. In fact, many people find it’s easier to stick to an exercise routine without any equipment or commitments. And your goal is only 30 minutes of moderate physical activity a day.
Movement is Medicine
“Movement is Medicine” is a phrase you’ll hear the physical therapists say occasionally here at Blue Ridge Orthopaedic & Spine Center. We think it’s pretty catchy so we’re borrowing it to help spread the word about the health benefits of regular exercise.
The Movement is Medicine program we outline below is based on CDC recommendations with some helpful tips to help you reach your goal. It is suitable for most adults, but please consult with your doctor first if you have any questions or feel that you need an exercise program more tailored to your specific needs.
For adults over the age of 17, your goal is to get 210 minutes of moderate physical activity a week (30 minutes a day). If that goal sounds unattainable, keep reading; it’s probably easier than you think, especially with cheats.
These cheats are allowed if they help you reach your goal.
Anything goes — Just about any type of moderate physical activity counts. If you spend 30 minutes raking leaves, log it!
Break it up — If you’re too busy to devote a 30-minute chunk of time to exercise, try three shorter, 10-minute increments throughout the day.
Fast forward — Hit your goal in half the time when you engage in vigorous physical activity. In other words, if you exercise vigorously for 10 minutes, you can log 20 minutes of moderate physical activity.
Once you’re routinely exercising an average of 30 minutes a day, consider changing up your routine for even greater health benefits.
Muscle mass — Replace aerobic exercise with strength training two days a week (log it as moderate physical activity). This type of exercise helps condition your muscles which aids in balance and helps prevent falls in older adults.
Bigger gains — Increase your goal from 210 minutes per week to 300 minutes, which will lower your risk of disease even further. This goal may also help you lose weight.
What is moderate physical activity, exactly? At what point does exercise qualify as vigorous? Serious athletes use formulas for calculating intensity (based on heart rate), but let’s keep it simple.
Moderate physical activity — Any aerobic activity that feels somewhat challenging and gets your heart beating faster. Some examples include:
Walking briskly
Playing pickleball
Swimming recreationally
Cycling on level ground
Ballroom dancing
Vigorous physical activity — You’re exercising vigorously when you can’t say more than a few words without pausing for breath.
Shoveling heavy snow
Hiking uphill
Playing soccer
Jumping rope
Log your progress
Without a log to track your activity, it would be difficult to know if you’re hitting your goals. For your convenience, we currently have these free downloads available:
Physical Activity Log - Adults (ages 18-64)
Physical Activity Log - Youth (ages 6-17)
The subject of nutrition is beyond the scope of this blog entry, but proper nutrition is essential to getting all the health benefits of regular exercise. If you struggle with your diet, consult with a Registered Dietician Nutritionist.
The information on this blog should not be considered medical advice regarding diagnosis or treatment recommendations.